Research Departement
Our Research Departement
Prevent fluid loss in human body, reduce CO2 rebreathing in human body, improve aveolar ventilation in human body, and improve ciliary mucosa in human body.
Below are some of the advantages of using RoboFlow HFNC products:
1. The use of HFNC allows patients to be intervened earlier before requiring intensive care, as well as after extubation from intensive care.
2. Reducing the need for intubation and ventilation.
3. Providing moist air will loosen airway secretions and improve bronchial mucosal cilia.
4. Produces intrinsic PEEP so that the oxygen diffusion process is better.
5. High flow allows removal of CO2 from the exhaled air remaining in the anatomical dead space, thereby reducing death space.
6. Lower overall maintenance costs.